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Computer Talk Services Inc. has been serving the Hailey area since 1990, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Recognizing the Cyber Threats Haunting Your Business Today

Cyber threats

How many cyber threats have knocked on your company’s door in the past month? No, seriously—take a wild guess. In today’s world, it’s pretty common for businesses to face some form of IT security threat almost daily. Hackers are getting more “creative” (read: annoying), and sometimes all it takes is a single, clueless click to send your business into a financial tailspin.

And guess what? In 2023, over 75% of attacks on small businesses didn’t even involve malware. Yep, hackers have upgraded. Forget your traditional “virus.” Now, they’re running phishing schemes and psychological scams that trick your employees into handing over the keys to the kingdom. It’s like watching someone give a burglar a map to your safe—except, it’s happening through an email. Can you confidently spot these cyber threats before they leave your business in a digital mess? If not, you might be in more trouble than you think.

When it comes to business cybersecurity, staying ahead of the game is everything. Sure, you can install a firewall or slap an antivirus program on every computer. But let’s be honest—do you think that’s enough? Newsflash: Hackers don’t care. You need an expert on your side to handle these lurking threats. Because when you don’t know what’s coming, how in the world are you supposed to stop it? And if you’re relying on your current level of security know-how, well, how confident are you that your business won’t be next in line for a hacker’s hit list? If these questions are making you sweat, maybe it’s time to get serious about IT security.

The Most Common Cyber Threats Stalking Businesses in 2024

Cyberattacks come in all shapes and sizes, and they’re not exactly subtle. Here are the top offenders you should be losing sleep over:

Ransomware Cyber Threats

This is the cybercriminal equivalent of holding your data hostage with a ransom note. A hacker freezes your systems, cripples your operations, and demands a ridiculous amount of money to give you back control. And here’s the kicker—most companies pay it. Would you be willing to cough up a hefty sum to save your precious data? Probably. It’s either that or watch your business bleed.

Credential Stuffing

Hackers these days have become really efficient at breaking into your accounts by running through millions of username and password combinations. All they need is one to work and boom—they’re in. Isn’t it comforting to know that some faceless criminal out there has more chances to log in to your systems than you have at getting your employees to change their weak passwords?

Social Engineering Cyber Threats

This one’s a favorite. Hackers don’t even need to break into your systems with code anymore—they can just trick your employees into handing over sensitive information. Whether it’s phishing emails or some other clever con, they prey on the fact that people are… well, people. Misinformed, overworked, and all too often clicking on things they shouldn’t. And you thought your biggest threat was a bad PowerPoint presentation.

Take Business Cybersecurity to the Next Level with Co-Managed IT

Look, having basic protective measures is great—it’s the first step toward not getting hacked. But is it enough to just install security software and call it a day? Absolutely not. You need to get serious about managing who can access what and whether your employees are actually trained to avoid falling for the latest cyber threats. Oh, and a solid backup and recovery plan wouldn’t hurt either (because Murphy’s Law exists, after all).

Cybersecurity is evolving faster than your latest software update, and let’s be real—your in-house IT team, no matter how good they are, can’t handle this alone. This is where co-managed IT swoops in like a cybersecurity superhero. With a co-managed IT partner, your internal team gets the backup they need to fend off the relentless attacks that come with running a modern business. Call us now for more details!

Want to get a clearer picture of the actual cyber threats you’re facing? Download our free Cyber Risk infographic. It’ll give you a better idea of what you’re up against—and how a co-managed IT team can save you from pulling your hair out when the next inevitable threat comes knocking. It only takes a couple of minutes to read, and trust me, it’s worth it.

After all, it’s your business at stake. Better to be safe than sending another “Oops, we’ve been hacked” email, right?

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