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Computer Talk Services

Cloud Migration & VDI Readiness Checklist

Modernize your remote work capabilities using our expert assessment tool and discover whether your business is prepared for the future. Get Your Migration &VDI Readiness Checklist!

Get The Cloud Migration & VDI Readiness Checklist

Computer Talk Services

The Growing Cybersecurity Role of AI in Security: Learn About the Good, the Bad, & The Ugly of AI

Is your business prepared for the silent invasion of AI-driven cyber threats? Our eBook, “The Growing Role of AI in Security,” contains real stories and statistics that shed light on the ever-evolving landscape of business security.

Get The Growing Cybersecurity Role of AI in Security Ebook

Computer Talk Services

Common Pitfalls in Cybersecurity Insurance Applications

Steer clear of the common mistakes that can leave many companies financially exposed following a cyberattack. Our on-demand webinar, “Common Pitfalls in Cybersecurity Insurance Applications,” will help you identify these errors and demonstrate how to obtain comprehensive coverage. Don’t delay—protect your business today!

Watch the Cybersecurity Insurance Webinar



Computer Talk Services

Business Cybersecurity Health Check Guide

Strengthen your business's digital defenses with our comprehensive Cybersecurity Health Check Guide—your first step to protecting critical data and ensuring safe operations. Get started today and secure your digital future!

Get Data Business Cybersecurity Health Check Guide

Computer Talk Services

Data Breach Response Plan Template

The Data Breach Response Plan Template from Computer Talk Services Inc. helps businesses prepare for potential data breaches by providing a structured, easy-to-follow framework. This free template outlines key steps to mitigate risks, respond quickly, and protect sensitive information, ensuring compliance and minimizing potential damage to your business. Don’t delay—protect your business today!

Get Data Breach Response Plan Template


Essential Guide to Co-Managed IT

How does ‘Co-Managed IT’ work? What sets it apart from managed IT services? This comprehensive eGuide answers all your questions about co-managed IT services, helping you decide if it’s the right choice for your business.

Download the Essential Guide to Co-Managed IT





7 Critical Components to Auditing Your IT Provider

Computer Talk Services



Business Tools

Hidden Business Expense Calculator

Computer Talk Services Cracking the Code Overcoming IT Industry Challenges




Computer Talk Services Cracking the Code Overcoming IT Industry Challenges

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Click the button below to download our Phone Systems Buyers Guide

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For Hailey Business Owners:

Free Phone Assessment Helps You Avoid Making A Bad Decision On Your Next Phone System

If you’re looking for a new phone system for your office and want to avoid making an expensive mistake, our free Phone Assessment will arm you with facts and insider information you need to make the best possible choice for your specific situation.

This Free Phone Assessment Will Reveal:

  • Is your current network environment (bandwidth, firewall, router, etc.) able to handle a new VoIP system? Our diagnostic process will assess your current computer network, Internet, firewall and systems to ensure a VoIP phone will work flawlessly “as is” and without additional costs or upgrades – and if those are needed, you’ll know in advance so you’re not surprised later with a big expense to make it work.
  • Is it possible for you to get out of a contract for a phone system you HATE? We’ll review your current contract to see if there are ways to cancel it without paying heavy fines, penalties and early termination fees.
  • Can you save money on your phone and Internet bill? It’s very common for us to save our clients between 20% and 40% by finding hidden costs they don’t need and shopping for competitive bids on these services.
  • Are you losing sales and opportunities because of how the phones are answered in your office? Are prospects calling and hanging up? Are you missing calls? Would you engage more prospects and clients if they could use text to communicate? Are sales leads being captured and entered into a CRM for follow-up? Any of these things can cost you thousands of dollars in lost sales, yet most businesses NEVER audit how their phone is being answered. With your permission, we’ll conduct a “secret shop” exercise and report back details on how your customers and prospects are being handled when they call your office (you may be shocked).

Simply Fill Out The Form On This Page To Get Started!

Free Buyer's Guide

The Definitive Guide To Choosing The Right Phone System For Your Small Business

Download This Guide To Discover:

Phone System Buyers Guide

  • The uncensored facts about the phone system industry that no phone salesperson will ever tell you, but that you should know before buying.
  • How to cut through all the technical mumbo-jumbo and marketing hype to know what are truly the most important attributes and features to look for.
  • A hidden “gotcha” clause phone system vendors try to put in their contracts that lock you in forever and legally bind you to pay thousands of dollars in penalties to cancel – even if the phone system and service doesn’t work as advertised. Do NOT sign a contract if this clause is in there!
  • The proposal “shell game” of hidden costs, taxes and unanticipated monthly fees that 99% of all phone system salespeople WON’T tell you about before you buy and trick you into thinking you’re getting a bargain (you’re not).

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Bringing reliable IT products and management to businesses in the financial sector. 

Finance is the epitome of a data-driven industry. As a result, information technology is an integral part of modern day financial services. In order to keep up with the rapidly-shifting financial services industry, businesses that work in finance need reliable information systems and comprehensive IT support. 

At Computer Talk Services Inc., we offer IT services and support for all facets of the financial services industry. We offer solutions for:

  • Banking & Exchange
  • Wealth Management
  • Insurance
  • Accountancy

To keep your business running efficiently, a dedication to excellence and an expert attention to detail is required. Our team of certified professionals are knowledgeable about the specific needs businesses that function inside of the financial industry have, and have solutions for every operational problem technology can solve.

Expert IT consulting saves money and promotes efficiency

No two businesses are the same. That goes double for businesses that operate in finance. When dealing with people’s money, operational effectiveness needs to be maintained. Your business needs an expert perspective in order to get to the bottom of your operational inefficiencies.

At Computer Talk Services Inc., we offer comprehensive consulting for businesses in the financial industry. With the speed and importance of the transactions your organization makes, maintaining a reliable, secure, and compliant IT infrastructure is key. Our knowledgeable consultants can design an innovative solution that completely works for your company today and in the future.

Security-minded experts handle all your compliance needs

If data security and regulatory compliance are integral to your business’ success, having dedicated professionals who understand what’s at stake can make all the difference. Computer Talk Services Inc.’s certified IT technicians know what it takes to meet the data protection, reporting, and security standards for several regulations and regulatory bodies, including:

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)
  • Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)
  • Payment Card Index (PCI-DSS)
  • Gramm Leach Bliley Act (GLBA)

Our top-to-bottom approach will ensure that data is secure and in the right place, reports are reliable and available, and that your organization has sufficiently complied with all federal and state regulations.

Beyond that, using state-of-the-art tools, our team of professionals can monitor and manage your network and infrastructure remotely to ensure that your data is secure and that your infrastructure is free from threats and vulnerabilities.

We have solutions for every conceivable business problem

At Computer Talk Services Inc., we first and foremost deliver flat-rate IT services that ensure that our clients have the IT they need to succeed, and that their technology is maintained and supported proficiently. We also have access to some of the top technology on the market and the required professional expertise needed to implement and support these modern systems. 

Outside of our comprehensive IT management services and our end-to-end security services, Computer Talk Services Inc. can also provide organizations that operate in the financial industry numerous solutions to enhance efficiency and clean up their operations. Some of these include:

  • Disaster Recovery
  • Business Continuity
  • Document Management
  • Real-Time Communications
  • Cloud-Hosted Solutions
  • Data Warehousing
  • Industry-Specific Software

...and that just scratches the surface.

Every business is looking for an edge. To see how we can help your business be the best business it can be, call us today at (208) 788-2345.

Contact Us

Learn more about what Computer Talk Services Inc. can do for your business.

Call Us Today
Call us today
(208) 788-2345

111 N First Ave. Ste. 2D
Hailey, Idaho 83333

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What would happen to your business if disaster struck today? Would you be able to recover quickly, or would you face costly downtime and data loss? Many businesses in Hailey, ID, believe they are protected—until an unexpected cyberatta...